April 28, 2011

Question For Our Final

Here is my suggestion for a question on our final for Blogging for Journalists.

Give me 3 examples of internet lingo.

Answers may include but are not limited to: LOL(laugh out loud), ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing), LMAO (laughing my a** off), STFU (shut the f***), GTFO (get the f*** out), IIRC (if I remember correctly), TBH (to be honest), SMH (so much hate), BRB (be right back), G2G (got to go), IDK (I don't know), IMHO (in my honest opinion), LTTP (late to the party), TY (thank you), YW (you're welcome), GL (good luck), etc.

1 comment:

codybrom said...

F.U. K.O.B.


Forge Underfoot, Kind Old Brother